Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Session 4: Assessing the classroom learning environments

Since the beginning...Big picture of learning environment
Then...how learning envt is assessed using validated instruments
Now..how learning envt is assessed qualitatively

1. Validation of instruments
2. Apply the instruments
3. Administer the intervention
4. Reapply the instruments

Quantitative Studies in Singapore
Definition of school learning environment
Characteristics: students-teachers interaction, school culture/climate, physical aspects, students' learning styles and needs, pedagogies, shared vision among staff, discipline, leadership, support staff, students' attitude, funds, security, emotional well-being, student-student relationships, teacher's personal mission, parents' support(or lack of it)

green - students
red - teacher
blue - school

Instrumentation: School Level Environment Questionaire(SLCEQ) Dimensions

(Refer to course pack for sample questionaire. The items are arranged in a cyclical order to minimize inaccuracy. Possible causes are respondents suffering from fatigue and respondents detecting a pattern. )

- Student support
- Affiliation: sense of bonding
- Professional interest: how to teach, going for conferences, further study
- Achievement orientation: whether students do well, whether are they prepared for exams
- Staff freedom: To what extent teachers speak up in voicing their concerns, do we get to teach what we want to teach? space for teachers to explore
- Partipatory decision making
- Innovation: Does school encourage teachers to be innovative?
- Resource adequacy
- Work pressure: level of work pressure

Legend based on Moo's schema
Personal Development: (Personal Growth & Self-enhancement)
Relationships: (Extent of people involvement & support for each other)
System change/maintenance: (orderliness of environment)

Suggestions in designing questionaire
- Arrange from strongly agree to strongly disagree
- Word the items positively
- Give 4 point Likert Scale
- Around 4 items per dimension
- Approximately 25 items in questionaires for teenagers
- Take into account of students' command of language

Useful site on Online Learning shared by Dr Quek

Cronbach's alpha reliability

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